Apex Martial Arts is about YOU. You'll recognize that we're not about your money, our facilities are simple and allow you to focus on your development and training while our veteran instructors focus on helping you reach your goals.
We provide instruction in the traditional martial arts. Fitness, sports, and fun certainly may be a side effect of your training but the focus is on personal safety and becoming a stronger person in body, in mind and in spirit.
We use an integrated system of training that draws from three pillars Isshin ryu Karate (from Okinawa), Shurite Jujutsu (from Okinawa), and Modern Arnis (from the Philippines) along with modern combative tactics (from the U.S.) to provide our students a virtual cornucopia of self defense tools, tactics and strategies.
Master Instructor Butch McLaughlin has spent more than thirty-five years training and teaching the martial arts and as such we have instructed and served over a thousand students in the Charlotte area over the last 20+ years.
122 Commerce Center Dr, Huntersville, NC, United States | +1.704.766.8141 | ApexKarateNC@gmail.com